One of my friends found my name mentioned in an article in Forbes China about in-train internet access. Unfortunately, my Chinese reading ability is very limited, but I’m told that it’s a well-written article.

The first paragraph:

到中国旅游的英国小伙子巴特利(Paul Battley)告别北京的故宫,踏上了前往上海的高速列车。他在餐车里边享用夜宵,边用笔记本电脑欣赏自己刚刚采集下来的数码照片。“请问您的笔记本电脑内置了无线网卡了吗?”餐车里的一位陌生乘客用英语问巴特利,“是的。”巴特利回答说。“愿意尝试在这里用自己的笔记本连接互联网吗?”陌生乘客接着问巴特利。巴特利瞪大了眼睛,兴奋地接受了这个让他耳目一新的邀请。

Here’s an approximate translation (suggestions for improvement gladly accepted!)

Paul Battley, a young British man travelling from Beijing to Shanghai on the high-speed train, is enjoying a midnight snack in the dining carriage and looking at digital photos on his notebook computer. A stranger asks in English, ‘Do you have a wireless card in that?’ ‘Yes,’ responds Mr Battley. ‘Would you like to try connecting to the internet with your own notebook?’ enquires the stranger. Mr Battley excitedly accepts the invitation.

Thanks to Xiangdian for alerting me.