Archive: 2004-06
Signs of the Apocalypse
Lesser known signs of the Apocalypse, number 317:
Bush shoots self in foot
Go to and watch Dubya’s latest campaign video. ( Direct Quicktime link.) It features such choice lines as “The President is a miserable failure” and “He betrayed this country” along with images of Hitler.
This is a lovely spoof on the discovery of a “deadly and pervasive” new element:
Cory Doctorow has published the text of a detailed, witty, and well-argued presentation that he made to Microsoft Research:
Great leap forward
This is the most pointless invention that I’ve seen in a long time: the wi-fi surfboard.
No oil painting
This is the first image that I tested my scanner with—it was the first flat, coloured item that I found. It’s my address book that I’ve had since 1999, on the cover of which I drew a picture of a koi carp, based on a simple painting that I saw on the bottom of a Chinese noodle bowl.
I was feeling burned-out today. In fact, I’ve been feeling like that all week, after expending a prodigious amount of effort on the search engine I’ve been developing. Around 3 pm, I started a long spidering job on the server, and decided to take the rest of the afternoon off to recuperate.
When fonts go bad
This is what you get when something really goes wrong with KDE’s font settings (under Mandrake Linux 10.0):
GIYF. When I first encountered that abbreviation the other day, I was left scratching my head, wondering, “WTF?”
Expatriate dialects
The Japanese counting system, like the Chinese one on which it is based, uses groups of four zeros rather than three as the basic unit for counting large numbers. The primitives from ten onward therefore proceed thus: