Archive: 2021-11
Week 47: Crìochnaichte (a-rithist)
Or, in English, Finished (again)
Week 46: Nothing happens
It’s been a week in which nothing much happened, and that’s probably a good thing.
Week 45: Going out and staying in
The electronic radiator valves I ordered arrived and I fitted and programmed them. Although all our radiators were fitted with thermostatic valves, they were the kind that give you just an arbitrary number from 0 to 5. I wanted a little more control so that we could avoid heating the bedroom in the daytime, and, conversely, so that I could keep the office warm, and so that I could use actual temperatures instead of indeterminate units.
Week 44: A random walk from A to D
I finally borrowed a stepladder and replaced the dead garden floodlight (which wouldn’t have been particularly useful even if it had worked) with an LED light with a motion sensor. This came in handy the very next day when I arrived home after dark and had to lock up my bike. It’s a lot easier when you can see what you’re doing, and now that the sun sets before half past four, there’s a lot of darkness to arrive home in.