Archive: 2009-07
Kill or cure? The results are in
Thanks to an amazing burst of effort, we managed to get all the Daily Mail cancer articles categorised in a matter of a few hours. I’m still impressed with how fast it was. It’s like Wikipedia for bad science journalism.
IE6? Not on my internet!
So. Internet Explorer 6 is still polluting the internet with its presence. An amazing 4% of visitors to this website are still using IE6. What the fuck are you doing? Someone accused me of showing contempt for visitors. Look at the content on this website! It’s all technical stuff. I am contemptuous of anyone who visits using IE6! I am an elitist prick. I don’t really care if they go away and don’t come back.
Kill or cure?
L10nizer: Ex post facto localisation for Rails applications
Localisation (or localization or localisación or just ‘l10n’ to avoid such conflicts) lets you display a website in multiple languages and language variants. Even if you’re not doing this it can be useful in letting you decouple copy from templates and models, and putting the copy in one place where a copywriter can review and edit it.
Getting started with Treetop
None of us is good enough to be British
One of the most important pillars of British life is the Pub Quiz. It’s thus fitting that people who wish to become permanent residents or citizens of the United Kingdom are obliged to pass a tricky pub quiz before being allowed to settle here permanently.
The horrors of Photoshop text rotation
Whilst having a good laugh at the Internet Explorer 8/Nickelback promotion this morning (submitted to Reddit with the amusing headline Lose-lose. Download Internet Explorer 8 get a Nickelback mp3.), I noticed the Mark of Photoshop: