Archive: 2003-09
Freeze, Punk!
You Can Call Me Sir
I got a letter from the bank yesterday.
Google Popularity Checker
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I had the idea of using Google to check the popularity of words and expressions. I originally intended it as a spelling or grammar checker, but it occurred to me that there are quite a few other possible uses.
Electric Shock
I received the fourth (I think) electric shock of my life today. That’s not including the static shocks that I seem to receive every time I touch those metal racks in shops. That’s probably a combination of dryish skin and rubber soles on lino turning me into a sort of living van de Graaff generator.
Dulce et Decorum
I came across this fantastic set of roadside signs on Terese Nielsen-Hayden’s website. My favourite is this:
I’ve actually been pretty lucky with the weather so far here in Belgium. Everyone says that it rains a lot although, coming from England, I thought that it can’t be much worse. However, apparently it is:
How I’m Doing
My new life in Belgium is going pretty much according to plan so far. I’m busy, which stops me finding things to complain about, to the detriment of my blog but to the benefit of my mental health, I’m sure. I’m still not sure where I’m happier: Belgium, Japan, or the UK. The truth is, I’d probably feel a bit outside anywhere. At least in a place as schizophrenic as Brussels, with two language groups—and that’s before you include all the ethnic groups with their various levels of (dis)integration—I don’t feel that far out.