Archive: 2025-01
Week 211: I killed David Lynch
I woke up on Monday to the radio telling me that the gullible rubes running this very unserious country have announced that AI is to be “mainlined into the veins” of the nation, a policy based entirely on the latest eructation from the Tony Blair Institute. I didn’t know that the TBI had any ideas apart from ID cards, but I’m beginning to wish they hadn’t.
The slang term for a fifty pound note is bullseye, but I’ve never actually heard anyone use it, and why would I? You can’t actually spend a bullseye anywhere.
Week 210: Back to work
Starting back at work was a bit of a shock after two weeks off, but at least my first few days weren’t too strenuous. I worked from home on Monday and even managed a lunchtime nap. I needed it, as my sleep pattern had diverged significantly from normal working patterns over the holiday.
Generative AI is the end of knowing things
Do you know what a pink fairy armadillo looks like? It’s a small mammal with whitish fur, big scaly claws, and a squirrel-like face from which a flat cloak of armoured scutes extends all the way to its hindquarters.
Week 209: Squared
Happy new year! It’s a numerically interesting one: