I vacuumed, washed, and sealed the tiled floors in the kitchen and bathroom so that they’re now a bit more resistant to spills. It was only a matter of time before one of us dropped something, after all. It’s been a bit of a surprise to me how much stuff is still left to do after all the building work is complete, but at least this was a fairly quick and easy job.

I cycled to IKEA to pick up a few things, and noticed a passenger as I was preparing to return home: a small green grasshopper was perched on the hub of the wheel of my trailer.

A grasshopper sits on the hub of a bicycle wheel, inside the spokes

Tiny passenger

I thought it would hop away as soon as I started moving, but it was still there when I arrived home. Can grasshoppers get dizzy?

I visited the Peckham Salvage Yard flea market on Sunday and came away with a cute little folding table for a very reasonable £35. It’s a bit sun-bleached, so I might restore it at some point in the future.

A round table with four legs. The top is in three sections, so that it can
fold down flat (ish).

Folding table from the flea market

I ended up going to the pub four days in a row, but thanks to the increasing availability of good low- and no-alcohol (and locally brewed!) beers on tap, the only real damage was to my wallet. I was already a fan of Small Beer’s Hazy (2.6%), but Gipsy Hill’s HepcAF (0.5%) was new to me, and I was impressed.
