Archive: 2024-06
Week 181: I am going to murder someone with a piece of broken tile
It’s not going brilliantly, if I’m honest. Our house is very close to being complete, but getting that last bit finished is ever more hassle, like some variant of Zeno’s Paradox where you can only ever do 80% of what’s left. And in the meantime, living in a building site is miserable.
Week 180: It’s beginning to look a lot like a kitchen
We don’t have a sink or a hob, but we do now have an oven and a microwave, which means that we can heat up food that can be cooked in the oven or microwave. It’s an improvement. It will be even better when we have running water.
Week 179: Back home
We moved back into our house. We’re sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the second bedroom (my once and future office) while we wait for the wardrobes to be installed in the bedroom, and there’s no sink in the kitchen, so we have to do the washing up in a bowl under the garden tap, and neither microwave nor oven is wired up, but it’s good to be back.
Week 178: Wræc-hwīl
From the Old English Wordhord this week:
wræc-hwīl, f.n: period of misery or exile. (WRACK-HWEEL /ˈwræk-ˌhwiːl/)
This word feels appropriate to describe my life over the past months, banished from my own home by renovations.
Electromagnetic Field 2024
a non-profit camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind or an interest in making things: hackers, artists, geeks, crafters, scientists, and engineers.
It’s also been described as the “special interest haver convention” and “Glastonbury for geeks”
It always sounded very appealing to me, except for the camping part.