Archive: 2022-09
Week 90: Eus keus?
I worked on Monday. There was a public holiday for the funeral, but I’d rather take a day off when things are open.
Week 89: Queen’s still dead
The Queen is still dead. Not that you’d have expected anything else. No unexpected resurrection. And yet every radio news bulletin has led with it, as if anyone could possibly not know by now.
Week 88: Woman, 96, dies
It’s been a big week in British politics: after an interminable and pointless waste of nearly two months, a small group of ageing weirdos chose a new prime minister. It’s a strange way to run a country. And by strange, I mean bad. Bad in concept, and bad in outcome.
Week 87: Please install our app to access this content
The August Bank Holiday is, famously, the last before Christmas in public-holiday-starved England, but I didn’t take Monday off. L— was at home working on a paper, so we went to a nearby café for lunch. It was a welcome change to my normal routine.