Archive: 2009-12
Latest iPlayer changes revisited
I updated my downloader the other day to keep up with the latest round of changes to the iPlayer service. However, I missed some complications regarding age-restricted programmes, and it wasn’t possible to download those at all.
Jubilee Line Fail
If, like me, you live on the Jubilee Line, you’ll be familiar with the ongoing incompetence of the upgrade currently being carried out. This upgrade was due to finish in March 2009. It’s still going on, with line closures scheduled for almost every weekend through to April 2010.
A cessation of hostilities?
The iPlayer changed again today, which broke my downloader. It was a surprise to me: I had thought that the cat and mouse game of countermeasure and counter-countermeasure was over. Had the BBC regrouped for another round?
Latest iPlayer changes
The BBC have tweaked the iPlayer again, and I’ve used my lunch break to update my downloader to keep up. If you’re using the command-line version via Ruby Gems, you can update to version 0.1.17 right now by typing
I don’t believe in anthropogenic global warming
I don’t believe in anthropogenic global warming, because there’s no way that six billion people burning millions of years of sequestered carbon could possibly affect the atmosphere of the planet in any measurable way.