Archive: 2008-07
We apologise for any inconvenience
If you saw this when trying to download iPlayer programmes today:
Unattended iPlayer downloads
ThatGuy wrote in a comment that he’s using iplayer-dl on a Linux machine that he connects to via ssh, and wondered,
iPlayer metadata fix and other improvements
I’ve released a new version of iplayer-dl and the GUI downloader with a few fixes and enhancements. The principal improvement is the use of a new source for programme information since the BBC discontinued the old metadata URLs. I also took the opportunity of a trip outside the UK to work out how to return a more useful error message in that situation.
Running Ruby tests from Vim
There’s been something of a Vim renaissance among the Reevoo developers of late. It was driven initially by necessity: a couple of developers live far away and spend a couple of days a week working from home, but wanted to be able to continue doing pair programming despite the physical distance.
New iPlayer, new downloader
The new version of the iPlayer site went live late last week, and is significantly different from the old version. As a side effect, downloads were broken. However, with the aid of a session trace sent to me by a kind reader, I’ve made the necessary amendments.