Archive: 2005-07
IE7: Still a steaming pile
I’ve been wondering whether to serve the Internet Explorer hack file to IE7 or not. I had vain hopes that the long-awaited update might fix most of the infuriating bugs.
Getting close
My redesign is progressing very well. I’ve spent most of my free time over the past few weeks working on it, and I have a full redesigned site running on a test machine at home and almost ready to go live. I’ve even managed to fix most of the Internet Explorer bugs that are inevitable when designing a website with modern standards (by which I mean ones that are seven years old).
Passenger warning
I received this picture today. The original filename suggested that it was taken at Notting Hill Gate station. I have no idea whether it was really on display at a Tube station or not; in any case, I think it’s safe to say that it’s not an official statement from London Underground!
Bombs in London
I was concentrating on my work this morning when a friend sent me an IM, asking if I knew about the “explosions in London”. I didn’t at the time, but I soon found out: the co-ordinated bombings in London have been the only thing in the mainstream news today. However, I found Wikipedia’s coverage to be the best by far, in terms of currency and actually presenting the known facts in a clearly digestible manner.
I know Unicode-fu
By chance, whilst researching content management packages today, I found my name mentioned in a gratifying context:
Holidays and redesigns
I looked back at the previous entry and realised that it seems a bit ominous, being followed by no more posts. I am, however, in fine health.