Archive: 2002-06
The RIAA Won. We All Lost
Congratulations to the RIAA. They have successfully destroyed a vibrant underground internet music scene. My favourite station, Monkey Radio is no more. SomaFM is gone too. Places that you could listen to good, intelligent music chosen by quality, filling a niche audience, without obtrusive advertising. Radio that didn’t have to worry about geographical boundaries. Stations that, instead of being paid for by advertising or big corporations, often cost the people who were running them money. Unknown musicians could get exposure. Ironically, many musicians signed contracts with major labels after getting a name through relatively popular stations like SomaFM. What a change from the payola-infested, homogeneity of commercial radio. I can’t remember the last time I listened to a commercial music station.
Charging by Weight
Given the levels of obesity in America, it comes as no surprise to learn that US carrier Southwest Airlines is now charging extra for passengers who can’t fit in one seat. Passengers whose ass is over 17¼” wide will have to pay for two seats, presumably one per buttock.
Internet TV
A friend sent me a link to a web site that lists webcasting TV stations. I’m watching a impress TV, a Japanese station, at the moment. I can’t honestly say that it is the most enthralling broadcasting I’ve ever watched, but it is good practice for me. At the moment, a student from an all-female university is discussing her summer holiday plans. Apparently a yukata party and two weeks backpacking in Europe. This goes under the heading of “Idea Station”...
The university results came out yesterday, and I got 2(i). Not bad—actually, it is good: it’s exactly what I expected, and I’m happy with it. Maybe if I had worked harder, I could have managed a first, but I was never aiming for a first anyway. I think it would just have given me even more grey hairs if the stress didn’t kill me first! It’s a huge weight off my mind to know the result. Tomorrow is the last day of term, and my last day at university!
I received a call from the Japanese embassy this evening, to tell me that my application for a visa has been accepted. I’m coming to Japan! (Or going; depends on your perspective.) That’s a big relief, considering that I already have the £500+ ticket. Strangely enough, you have to get the ticket before you can apply for the visa. Quite what you are expected to do if you application fails, I don’t know.
Wish me luck!
I’m just polishing off my visa application. I’m going to get up early, print off the documents with the university’s laser printers, put on my suit and board the train down to London. Hopefully, in a week’s time I’ll have my Working Holiday visa to spend a year in Japan...